When You’re Longing for a Christmas Miracle

When You’re Longing for a Christmas Miracle

  A couple of years ago I heard a story about a young woman courageously standing up at a meeting and sharing her recovery story of heroin addiction. She now has three years clean. A miracle of all miracles, if you know anything about heroin addiction. I’ve spoken to many alcoholics and addicts who have begged God […]

Welcome to Deck Your Halls & Hearts With Holly! (Giveaways!)

Welcome friends! I’m over here like a kid on Christmas morning, cheesy I know, but it’s true, I’m so excited to have you here! I can’t wait to journey together for the next few weeks of Advent and experience Christ together. Here are a couple things you need to know right off, if you don’t […]

A Letter to Those Asking, “Who The Heck Am I?”

I felt compelled to write you because I’ve asked the very same question you’re asking. When I look back to my teens and early twenties I had no iota who I was. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up, what my talents were, I didn’t even know my favorite […]