Why Decorating Early Makes Christmas Ten Times Better

It’s happening everywhere.

People have went nuts for Christmas decorating. And we are trying to figure out who is to blame.

Is it the department stores? Pinterest?

The Crazy Christmas people? (eh..um..) Hallmark for starting their Christmas movies in July??

Well, it’s probably a little bit of all the above.

But I want to share with you why you can stop hating on early Christmas advertising and decorating.

Many of you know I have a tad obsession with Christmas. And because of that I’ve done some investigating and discovered why starting earlier makes Christmas ten times better.

First, I want you to picture your last Christmas. I’m wondering if it went something like this:

You started it out declaring, “Christmas is going to be different this year!”

So you dutifully shopped until you dropped, spent way over budget and tried to fit in all your wildest Christmas dreams. And, instead of it being a soul giving, joyous season, Christmas left you feeling exhausted and wanting to strangle Santa (or the children).

Yup. Been there one million times.

And that’s why I decided a couple years ago that something had to change and I began decorating earlier.

Gasp! I know.

Some of you are covering your mouths and asking, “Holly, how dare you start that early?? Don’t you know that takes away from the meaning of Christmas when you start so soon??”

Actually friend, I’m here to argue it does the opposite.

Just hang with me here.

I know the tradition started years ago for us to start decorating the day after Thanksgiving. But friends, some traditions can be broken for good reason. I want you to practically think about this.

When we wait until after Thanksgiving, we literally only have one month to shop, decorate, bake cookies, plan parties, send cards, wrap gifts, while working, cooking, cleaning, and trying to spend time with Jesus (because He’s the whole point) and make room for quality time with our loved ones.

And we wonder why we are stressed and miserable during the season!?

But here’s what happens when we have a plan and decorate and shop early: Drumroll…

We get to enjoy the season!

We get to actually slowwww down and take time to stop and smell the Poinsettias. 😉

We get to actually take moments to breathe and thank God for sending His Son to save us. (While sipping hot cocoa and admiring our hard work and the beauty of our glimmering lights and tinsel).

I’m challenging you to consider or think about some of these things I’m saying.

Decide to make a plan to purposely make Christmas less stressful and more joyful for you and your loved ones.

And here’s the thing, even if you don’t agree with me on what I shared that’s okay too.

Many people have approached me and told me all the reasons they dread Christmas now. They explain how the commercialism has ruined it for them and it’s just not the same.

And I always answer back with this: “So be the change.”

Change what you dislike.

Make it more about family and simplicity. Make it about less commercialism and look for ways to keep the focus on Christ.

The truth is there is no formula or right or wrong way to do Christmas.

But I do believe we need to find what works for us and our families to make it more joyous and less chaotic. And no matter how different you and I may be with our decorating or planning, the fact is you and I get the privilege to celebrate the most glorious day of all:

The day our Savior left Heaven’s throne to come on a rescue mission to save us all and bring us HOPE.

Now, that’s something to sing about! And, may inspire someone to drape tinsel from the floor to the ceiling and every crevice in the house.

No matter what day they choose to start. 😉

*Here is an article you may have missed about how decorating early can make you happier. 😉 https://www.westernmassnews.com/news/study-decorating-early-for-christmas-could-make-you-happier/article_ffbc3286-0008-11ea-afa8-e3133b7015ca.html

Image source: canstockphoto.com

About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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