Who Are the Truth Tellers in Your Life?

We were on the phone when she said something which cut me to my core. “When you get a new friend Holly it’s like you have a new puppy. You talk about them all the time, you post about them on social media, and you love to show them off.” I was shocked by her […]

What We Must Learn From Those Who Hurt Us

In The Passion of the Christ there is a scene where Jesus is giving the disciples instructions on their enemies. Every time I watch it I can’t help but weep because it feels he is directly speaking to me. He tells them, “If you only love those that love you what reward is there in […]

Are You Lovesick?

  I kept scrolling and scrolling and staring at my phone screen for hours. I looked at friends facebook pages and pictures, watched funny videos, then tried to write compelling words which did nothing but fall flat. What is my deal I kept asking myself? As I closed my laptop and laid my head on […]