Dear Teenage Girl {some challenges and encouragement for your heart}

I don’t have a daughter, but I’ve wanted one pretty much my whole life.

It’s one of those things God and I still talk about, okay I still grumble and am heartbroken over it at times.

BUT! I do have nieces I adore and amazing young women in my life I am blessed to know and I hope this will challenge, uplift and inspire them on to higher living.

Dear Teenage Girl,

Every girl wants to be the prettiest one in the room it’s the way God made us. Even us adult women feel this way, most just wouldn’t admit it. God made us to draw others in by our beauty. Why do you think we spend so much time trying to be beautiful?

In our culture beauty is power. And your beauty does carry power with it. I know you feel confident when you make a guy’s head turn. But be careful how you represent that beauty. You may have the ability to turn a guy’s head, but a classy girl will be the one to capture his heart. A guy’s eyes may like revealing clothing, but their hearts are captivated by a girl who respects herself.

Teenage girl quote pink

Don’t swear.

It’s just not cool nor lady like (this includes abbreviating it in a text). And most importantly God tells us in His word not to do it. Be a woman of virtue. Look up the word you will know what I mean.

From the time you are born, until the time that you die, our culture will tell you to conform and to blend in with everyone else. You were not made to conform; you were made to stand out, step up, and be set apart. Live it out girl. Be a trendsetter; be a leader. Don’t just buy Sperry’s because everyone else has them. Dare to be different.

Back to number one? My wise southern Aunt always says pretty is as pretty does. Translation- Your beauty is not going to last or be the thing people remember you for.  Be a girl that impacts those around her. Smile. Be kind. Be a Reacher. Reach out to those that are broken.

You are going to be tempted to be jealous of other girls and to gossip. And gossip is just a symptom of a root cause within us: Insecurity. Gossiping about others will not make you feel better.  It poisons your heart and others hearts towards the person you’re gossiping about. Take the high road. Give your insecurities to God.

You have talents and gifts God has given to you. You may not believe you have anything, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Lean in and listen close. “We need you, your peers need you, and the world needs you. Your gifts are a treasure. Search for them they are your gift to the world.”

You may need ear plugs for this one. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHER GIRLS! Once you start this—it will never stop. It is deadly, and it is toxic to your self-esteem. When you are tempted to compare stop, appreciate their beauty, give a compliment and it ends there.

Hot pink Dear Teenage Girl

This one is a no brainer but we all do it, quit putting yourself down. I know this is hard but please tell me what benefit comes from this? Gratitude girl that’s the key. Every time you start to cut yourself down, think of something about yourself you admire. You are made in His image! And God doesn’t make anything ugly or stupid. Lift your head and step into that truth!

Okay so I mean this is in complete, sincere love. Ahem… Stop taking 20 selfies a day. I know it’s tempting and fun but it’s narcissistic.

Last but not least, know that you are crazily and fiercely loved. By a God you may not see, but sees you and adores you. Not because of your jean size, or how popular you are, but because He made you.

He put a purpose and a dream inside of you. Look for it, chase it, and live it out. Someday these teen years that you thought were so important aren’t going to matter, but the purpose He put you on this planet for, will.


Your Big Sister in Christ Cheering You On

12 comments on “Dear Teenage Girl {some challenges and encouragement for your heart}

  1. God has blessed you with a gift to inspire people with words about his faith. I’m subscribed to your blog. When you post, it goes right to my email. Don’t wanna miss anything. Lol. Love ya.

  2. Good stuff! Just forwarded it to my newly 18 year old (as of yesterday). Hope she listens to you more than she does me about these things!!

    Thanks Holly!

    • Sandy- I hear you friend. My boys don’t listen to me either! Us Mom’s don’t know anything…;) I hope it encourages her!

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